Boarve goes to the Opera in Verona, Italy!

The Annual Opera Festival in Verona takes pride in being
as accessible as possible.
An important part of accessibility is Easy Language.

Boarve has written program booklets in Easy English
for the four operas being performed during this year’s festival.

Ulla Bohman ny medlem i juryn för Lättläst-priset

Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan ger varje år ut ett pris för bästa lättlästa bok för målgruppen unga och vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Ulla Bohman är med i juryn detta år. Ett hedersuppdrag för en viktig kulturgärning! Juryns medlemmar läser just nu de sex böcker som är finalister till att få utmärkelsen. Vilka dessa finalister är kan ännu …

Boarve partner in the E.A.S.E Project

May 16 is The Global Accessibility Awareness Day.
Boarve is partner in the E.A.S.E Project, an Erasmus project lead by
CRPD, Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability, Malta.
The aims of the project is to raise awareness about Easy Language as a Human Right
and to increase knowledge about how to produce information in Easy Language.

Ulla Bohman Keynote Speaker in Riga

The SELSI project focus on spoken easy language and how important that is for inclusion.
To participate in society is a human right. But to be able to participate,
information and communication must be accessible.
It has to be easy to read and to understand. This also includes the spoken language.
This was Ulla Bohman’s focus in her keynote presentation.

Utredardagarna om begripliga rapporter

Rapporter som anställda inom stat, region och kommun skriver måste vara tillgängliga för medborgarna. Rapporterna måste vara begriplig. Det är viktigt i en demokrati. Det är viktigt för demokratin. Därför behöver de som skriver rapporter kunna skriva klarspråk. Klarspråk var ett av ämnena på årets Utredardagar där Ulla Bohman medverkade.

Boarve gave keynote at KLAARA Conference in Leiria, Portugal

The 3rd KLAARA Conference about Easy Language was held in Portugal. Ulla Bohman gave a keynote on the topic Cognitive Accessibility – a question of rights. Accessible information is not just for a small marginalized group. We all will face cognitive difficulties sometimes in our lives. And when we do, we need information that is easy to find, read and understand. Accessible information is information in Easy Language.

Boarve gives presentation at Train2Validate conference in Slovenia

The project Train2Validate asked Ulla Bohman to give a presentation about Easy Language at their final activity in Ljubljana in June. The presentation focused on how important it is to be active in the entire production process of Easy Language material. The outcome must be that the target group can find, read and understand the Easy Language information. If not – it is not accessible!