Boarve partner in the E.A.S.E Project

On Global Accessibility Awareness Day,
Boarve and the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability, CRPD in Malta
would like to share with you the E.A.S.E project.
E.A.S.E stands for Easy, Accessible, Simple and Effective.
It is an Erasmus + co-funded project which CRPD
is currently leading along with partners Boarve Konsult (Sweden),
Puzzle SE (Greece) and Cyprus Certificate Company (Cyprus).

The main objective of this project is to raise awareness
on Easy Language documents so that people with intellectual disability
can access information in their everyday life.
E.A.S.E focuses on spreading awareness
on the requirement for accessible information.

Why is it important to have accessible information?

  • It empowers people with intellectual disability to understand information
  • It allows people with intellectual disability to make informed decisions
  • People with intellectual disability can participate more actively in their daily lives.

Access to information is a right which benefits everybody
not only people with intellectual disability.

For more information you can visit CRPD’s website.

Logo for the E.A.S.E. project