International Conferences and Training Assignments

Ulla Bohman is often invited to give presentations at international conferences and to be a partner in international projects. Throughout the years she has had many training assignments abroad.


Here is a list of some of the international work Boarve has carried out:

The International Easy Language Day, in Slovenia May 2024

Member of panel about literature in Easy Language


Zavod Risa, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia May 2024

Easy Language Workshop for staff at the Slovenian organization Zavod Risa.


SELSI-project, Riga, Latvia October 2023

Conference keynote: Accessible Communication is Essential for Inclusion


KLAARA, Leiria, Portugal July 2023

Conference keynote: Cognitive Accessibility – A Question of Rights


Zavod Risa, Ljubljana, Slovenia June 2023

Conference keynote: Easy-to-Read Validation – some ”hands on” experience


Clarity, European Commission, Brussels May 2023

Workshop: Accessible Language to Enhance Democracy


Swedish Embassy, Vilnius, Lithuania, November 2022

Presentation: From “Some Culture for the Disabled” to “Inclusion”
– the development of Easy-to-Read Language in Sweden


Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, May 2022

Presentation: Why Easy-to-Understand Language?
– pros and cons and what not to do


Media for All – online Conference, Barcelona January 2021

Presentation: Easy-to-Read Facilitates Audio Descriptions


Zavod Risa, Maribor, Slovenia, June 2019

Conference keynote: A Swedish Perspective on Easy-to-Read – From ”handicap aid” to accessibility and inclusion for all!

Workshop: Easy-to-Read


Puzzle Project: Developing easy-to-read formats for people with intellectual disabilities
Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
October 2015 – September 2017

Member of project group as easy-to-read expert.
Producer of learning material.
Lecturer and trainer – London, England, February 2016 & Panevezys, Lithuania, November, 2016
In charge of dissemination symposium – Heraklion, Greece, June 2017


Workshop in easy-to-read, Athens Greece, March 2017


Training for trainers in easy-to-read language, Athens Greece, March 2017


Stavanger Municipality, Easy Language and Plain Language Project, January 2017

Workshop: How to write easy-to-read information


Conference ”Klare Sprache – Praxis in 30 Jahren”, Hannover, November 2016

Presentation: Easy-to-Read in Sweden


Conference “Leichte Sprache”, at Leipzig University, April 2016

Presentation: Easy-to-Read in Sweden


Nordic Conference for Teachers in Adult Learning, NLK, Malmö September 2016

Presentation: How to make web information accessible for people with reading difficulties.


International Conference Take Part in Stockholm in May 2016

Member of steering committee for the conference.
Presentation: Reaching the unreachable – the necessity of easy-to-read information


10th International PLAIN Conference: Dublin, Irland September 2015

Workshop: Easy-to-Read


Conference Letras para todos, Madrid November 2014

Presentation: What is Easy-to-Read?


Enable International Conference on the Use of New Technologies for Inclusive Learning, York, England, June 2014

Presentation: Not Comprehensible = Not Accessible! – The Importance of Comprehensibility in our Digitized World


Search – International Conference Library and Research Services for Parliaments, Jerusalem, February 2011

Presentation: Comprehension – the need for Easy-to-Read Information on Websites


Knesset Communication Department, Jerusalem, February 2011

Workshop: The need for Easy-to-Read Information


International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) World Conference,
Stockholm, August 2011

Presentation: Easy-to-Read Information from Government to Citizen


 12th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs
Vienna, Austria July, 2010

Presentation: The need for easy-to-read information on web sites


The Zero Project Award 2019 on Independent Living and Political Participation,
on behalf of Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan.

Ulla Bohman authored the study material Mitt val (My choice)
about democracy and the election process in Sweden.


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