EASE Final Event a Success in Malta!

Boarve’s Ulla Bohman has been partner and the Easy Language expert
in the Erasmus+ project EASE.
EASE stands for Easy, Accessible, Simple and Effective.
Friday February 14, the project’s Final Event took place in Malta
with about 80 participants, at site or online.

The outcome of the project is:
Easy Language Guidelines for documents
and Easy Language Training Package for Trainers.

At the Final Event she gave two presentations.
The first presentation was about the history of Easy Language,
the 3 keywords of accessible information
and the 4 components of Easy Language.
The second presentation was an introduction
to the documents being produced
within the project.

Ulla Bohman had earlier during the week
run Training för Trainers in Easy Language
in Greece and in Malta with a total of close to 30 participants.
The participants in the two trainings as well
as everyone at the final event
were very motivated to continue to work towards a society
where information is accessible to all people, no matter challenges.

To have access to information is crucial for inclusion
and for building strong democraties.
And, that is more important than ever
considering what is happening
in too many countries in the world today.
When Human Rights are respected everywhere,
and people have equal access to information,
then and only then will there be peace.

Ulla Bohman giving her presentation at the EASE Final Event in Malta.
Photos: Matthew Mirabelli