Boarve konsult’s Customers

A selection of Boarve konsult’s customers and assignments:

  • Nationalencyclopedin – articles for a digital encyclopedia for children
  • Arena di Verona – accessible opera booklets
  • Drakar och Dragqueens – workshop on how to turn a novel into an easy language performance
  • Swedish Government – easy-to read summary of report on social services
  • Borås – workshop on how to communicate in Plain Swedish
  • Stockholm – script and subtitles for digital visit to Ciry Hall
  • T-Meeting – adaptation of manual about hearing aid into easy-to-read language
  • Swedish Scout organization – workshops about accessible communication
  • Xtractor – production of online training course on human rights
  • Forum för levande historia/The Living History Forum –  adaptation into easy-to-read of material on abuses against the Roma people, the Holocaust and racism
  • Polismyndigheten/The Police Authority, Foreign Section – lecture on Intercultural Awareness and Communication
  • Lika Unika Akademi/Equally Unique Academy – adaptation into easy-to-read Swedish of material on Agenda 2030
  • Lund University – adaptation into easy-to-read Swedish of information regarding project on Sex and Disabilities
  • Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan/Adult Study Organization – adaptation into easy-to-read Swedish about Covid-19
  • Myndigheten för delaktighet/The Swedish Agency for Participation – adaptation of UN Agenda 2030 into easy-to-read Swedish, survey about Covid-19 and disabilities
  • FUB/ The Swedish National Association for People with Intellectual Disability – adaptation into easy-to-read Swedish of proposals to annual meeting, report, workshop on how to write easy-to-read
  • Enheten för logopedi, Karolinska institutet/ The Division of Speech and Language Pathology, KI – lecture on accessible information and production of two brochures
  • Nationalencyklopedin – processing into easy-to-read Swedish of 24 teaching materials
  • Socialdemokraterna/Swedish Social Democratic Party – adaptation into plain Swedish of three study materials
  • Solna stad/City of Solna – adaptation into easy-to-read Swedish of web texts
  • ROKS/National Organisation for Women’s Shelters – editing of easy-to-read book about domestic violence
  • Integrationsforum – training in writing easy-to-read Swedish, presentation at conferences
  • County of Östergötland – training in writing easy-to-read Swedish
  • Svenska Schackförbundet/Swedish Chess Association – training in having Difficult Conversations
  • DHR – training in writing easy-to-read Swedish
  • FUB – adaptation into easy-to-read Swedish of reports and documents
  • Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan – text editing and adaptation into easy-to-read Swedish of two study circle materials about the future of the European Union
  • Byggnads/The Construction Workers´ Union – adaptation into plain language of brochure for members
  • Atomer och Bitar – presentation about multicultural communication at conferences
  • Biblioteksföreningen/The Library Association – presentation about accessible information
  • ETU – accessibility review of the Swedish Consumer Agency’s website
  • FSKF – training in writing easy-to-read Swedish
  • Haninge/Haninge Municipality – training project in writing and producing easy-to-read information
  • Kalmar Län/The County of Kalmar – presentation about accessible information at conference
  • Regionbibliotek Gävle, Uppsala & Dalarna/Regional libraries Gävle, Uppsala and Dalarna – presentation about accessible information

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